Monday, October 10, 2005

Hello World - Creating a WCF Client

Let us create a client to the service which we created in the previous post. Creating a client can't be simpler.


  • Create a config and generate a proxy.
  • Call the service using the proxy.


To create the config one can use the svcutil tool provided in the WinFx SDK. Use the following command from the Windows Managed Build Environment Command Line (from the Client folder)


svcutil /config:Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.Client.exe.config http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld


Note that we are using the http endpoint. The svcutil MEX implementation currently supports only http. This is the reason we defined two base addresses when we defined the WCF service. The http address was just for the tool.


The proxy creates a file called as we haven't specified the namespace and file name.


Snippet 1:


using System;

using System.ServiceModel;


namespace Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld


          public class HelloClient


                   public static void Main()


                             HelloProxy proxy = new HelloProxy();


                             Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to Exit");






Save Snippet 1 as HelloClient.cs in the client directory.


Compile this into a console App using the following command line


csc /r:System.ServiceModel.dll /t:exe /out:Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.Client.exe HelloClient.cs


Run the client, that is it.


Applies to: WinFx September 2005 CTP

Hello World - Creating a WCF Service

Steps to Create a WCF Service

  1. Define a Service Contract
  2. Optionally define a Data Contract
  3. Implement the Service Contract
  4. Create endpoints for the service
  5. Run the service

Let us go to step 1

Define a Service Contract

A WCF Service Contract can be created in many ways. Lets us use the most common approach, using a CLR interface annotated with relevant attributes.


Snippet 1:


using System.ServiceModel;


namespace Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld



          public interface IHello



                   string SayHello(string name);




Notice the ServiceContract and OperationContract attributes annotating the interface definition. ServiceContract is targeting the interface and OperationContract is targeting the method declaration. Other than that this a plain CLR interface.


Contrast this with the all public non-static methods are exposed stuff in (.NET Remoting). You need to define the boundary explicitly in Windows Communication Foundation.


Step 1 is complete; since there are no Data Contracts to define we'll directly move to Step 3.


Implement the Service Contract, there is no complication here, Let us just implement the interface


Snippet 2:


namespace Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld


          public class HelloComponent : IHello


                   public string SayHello(string name)


                             return "Hello " + name;





Snippet 3:

using System.Reflection;


[assembly: AssemblyVersion(" ")]


Compile this into a Class Library (say Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.dll).


Create a Folder called HelloWorld with three sub folder Server, Host and Client.


Save Snippet 1 as HelloWorldContract.cs, Snippet 2 as HelloWorldComponent.cs, Snippet 3 as AssemblyInfo.cs in the Server sub folder


From the Windows Managed Build Environment Command Prompt run the following command to compile the sources into a class library.


csc /t:library /out:Sendhil.Samples.HelloWord.dll /r:System.ServiceModel.dll HelloWorldContract.cs   HelloWorldComponent.cs AssemblyInfo.cs


Step 3 is complete, Let us move the Step 4.


Create endpoints for the service

Defining an endpoint can be done in code or configuration, let us do it the configuration way. An endpoint has the following key attributes

  • Address
  • Binding
  • Contract 

Or ABC in short

Address is a WS-Addressing compliant address on which the service is exposed. (Where)

Binding defines how do I talk to the service (Do I use HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, MSMQ Transport), and also the QoS parameters. (How)

Contract is what the service exposes (What)

More on these as we tread along.

We are going to use the TCP transport and host it on the local machine.


Snippet 4:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?>

<configuration xmlns=" " >


                   <add key="baseUri1" value=" http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld" /> <!-- For MEX Support -->

                   <add key="baseUri2" value="net.tcp://localhost:9090/HelloWorld" />





                             <service type="Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.HelloComponent , Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld">

                                      <endpoint address="" binding="netTcpBinding" contract=" Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.IHello , Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld" bindingConfiguration="HelloWorldServiceTcpBinding" />





                                      <binding configurationName="HelloWorldServiceTcpBinding" />






As you can see most of the configuration goes into the system.serviceModel element. The services element is a container element for service elements. The service element defines the service type. It also contains the endpoint element with is abc attributes. The address used is relative in this case. The bindingConfiguration refers to the netTcpBinding element defined later in the config. All of these can be pretty overwhelming we will see more on addressing and bindings as we move along.


We need to host this stuff somewhere, we can host in a Windows App, Console App or a Windows Service. We can also host in IIS if the transport is Http or Https.


We will use a Console Application.


Snippet 5:

using System.Configuration;

using System.ServiceModel;

using System;


namespace Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld


          public class HelloWorldHost


                   public static void Main()


                             Uri baseUri1 = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["baseUri1"]);

                             Uri baseUri2 = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["baseUri2"]);

                             using(ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloComponent), baseUri1, baseUri2))



                                      Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to exit");                           









As you can see the code is pretty much simple. The key things to note are the creation of ServiceHost using the base addresses and component type. Such a service is called a self hosted service. The following code sets up a listener on the specified port and sets up a whole lot of WCF Plumbing.


Compile this into a Console App (say Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.Host.exe).


Save Snippet 4 as Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.Host.exe.config and Snippet 5 as HelloWorldHost.cs into the Host folder.


Compile using the following command from the Windows Managed Build Environment Command Prompt.


csc /t:exe /out:Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.Host.exe /r:System.ServiceModel.dll,"..\Server\Sendhil.Samples.HelloWorld.dll" HelloWorldHost.cs


Run the Service.


Applies to: WinFx September 2005 CTP.

What is needed to get started with WCF

Bare minimum atleast the following are needed.
WinFx Runtime (I use the Septermber 2005 CTP).
WinFx SDK(Again September 2005 CTP).

Both can be downloaded from the MSDN site.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What is WCF?

WCF – Windows Communication Foundation is a framework for building Services with the .NET Framework.
It is an implementation of various Web Service Standards.
It unifies the current distributed development programming models
  • .NET Framework Remoting
  • .NET Enterprise Services
  • ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX)
  • ASMX + Web Service Extensions (WSE)
  • Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
It was code named “Indigo”.

Here we go!!

Yet another blog, let us see how long I can post my experiences on Working with the Windows Communication Foundation (code named Indigo) here. Stay tuned...